
>Themes of the XV Iberian Conference on Spatial Data Infrastructures and III. geoEuskadi Kongresua

The chosen motto for the XV Iberian Conference on Spatial Data Infrastructures and III. geoEuskadi Kongresua is:

"The value of geospatial data"

In relation to this motto, a series of themes have been selected with which both the abstracts and the workshops to be presented at the conference should be identified:

  1. The value of data and geographic web services:

    Sets of data and geographic services preferably open and reference for their reuse, as well as techniques, standards, or experiences in their production or exploitation.

  2. Big Data and Artificial Intelligence:

    New data processing techniques applied to geographic data and territory.

  3. Tools and technologies in geomatics:

    Geospatial technologies for processing, exploitation, use, and dissemination of geographic information.

  4. SDI and collaborative projects:

    Spatial data infrastructures and collaborative initiatives for the publication of geographic information.

  5. Multidisciplinary applications of SDI and geographic information:

    Present successful examples of the exploitation and use of infrastructures and spatial data in different disciplines.

  6. Sharing experiences and best practices:

    Among institutions, companies, and professionals in the geoinformation sector, in order to achieve greater harmonization, reuse, interoperability, and ultimately a sum of efforts and benefits, in the production and maintenance of data or geographic web services.